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Community Outreach

Pastor Doug served as an administrator at Oklahoma Baptist University for 14 years, the last 7 as Dean of Students. Born and raised in Seminole, OK, he placed his faith in Christ at the age of twelve and surrendered to the ministry the next year. An ‘83 graduate of OBU, he earned his Master of Science and PhD degrees in Higher Education from the University of North Texas. Doug and his wife, Lana, were married in 1984 and have four sons and four daughters-in-law and ten grandchildren. Doug has had the opportunity to serve on the associational level and as president of the Oklahoma Pastors Conference and Oklahoma Baptists, as well as serve on the Oklahoma Baptists Board of Directors, the SBC Executive Committee, the NAMB Send Network, and the IMB Board of Trustees. He has led trips to Israel and been a part of mission work in several countries. His favorite verse is Galatians 2:20: “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet, not I, but Christ lives in me. And the life I live, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

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We Are a Member of The Following Organizations

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Time Change March 9

Spring Forward

Southern Baptist Convention

Find YOUR Opportunity For

Regular Prayer and Bible Study

10 a.m.

Choir Rehearsal - Fellowship Hall

Adult Disciples Group - Rev. Fred Maldonado

New Member Orientation - Pastor Mills

11 a.m.

Traditional English Worship

12:30 p.m.

Spanish Worship

​Pastor of Southern Hills Baptist Church,

Oklahoma City

Next Sunday - March 16

Special Guest Speaker

Dr. Douglas O. Melton


of Palm Springs, California

Dr. Kenneth Mills, Senior Pastor

Rev. Fred Maldonado, Pastor Emeritus       Pastor Elias Romero, Spanish Worship


Together We Grow at First Southern Baptist Church of Palm Springs